Hannah's first day

Hannah's first day

Nolan's first day

Nolan's first day

Joshua's first day

Joshua's first day

Monday, December 22, 2008

My first blog

My first blog!
I know many of you are pros at blogging and I love to read what you are up to and see your pictures, so I thought I would give it a try! We are really enjoying our time in Utah so far, except for the snow! We live just past the point of the mountain (if you know where that is!) and we have some big hills. Needless to say I have had a crash course on driving in the snow. Hannah's bus driver even had a hard time getting the kids home on Friday. A bad storm with white-out conditions came through just as school go out. The bus bumped into a car that slid through the intersection and then could not get up the rest of the hill. The police would only let kids go home with the parents so I went down to get her. Well, I could not make it up the hills in my van either so I luckily a nice neighbor had a toe rope and pulled me the rest of the way home! I am thinking I might need a 4 wheel drive! Of course, the kids think it is so very exciting!